Holiday Gift List for 2-5-Year-Olds

Mama Bear Britt’s Gift Guide

kids toy guide 2019

Holiday Gift List for 2-5-Year-Olds:

Here is the inside scoop to my kid’s holiday gift list this year! The items listed below are all fun and educational ranging in ages for two-five year old. This list is not comprehensive by any means, this is just a list of items my kids personally will love that they don’t already have. A big focus on our gifts is usability, spanning many ages, open-ended, shareable, and help to develop, strengthen, and/or improve on certain skills and most importantly have fun and actually get use out of them.

1. The Alpha Kids nail polish for girls & boys, $12.00: My kids, especially my son, is still very much into painting his nails, so he is, of course, getting a bottle color of his choice.

kids gift list

2.       Learn to Draw, $5.99: Simple step by step instructions for kids to learn how to draw simple animals. My daughter absolutely loves to watch instructional drawing videos, so this book is a great option that does not include screen time. Drawing helps with cognitive thinking, spatial awareness, fine motor skills, and imagination.

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3.       Lego Duplo Marvel Superhero, $17.88: We are huge fans of the Lego sets for our kids. My daughter has recently built several lately that she has received as gifts and have “earned” over the year. My son has showed a huge interest and loves Spiderman, so I know he is just going to love this. Building with Legos helps with cognitive development, hand/eye coordination, spatial awareness, and fine motor skills.

kids holiday toy list

4.       Power Pen Learning Set, $40.34: Contains the power pen and four learning books; shapes, numbers, letters, & beginning sounds. My son loves any mechanical toy and will have a blast with this set. These will also make good travel and car toys, because they have an entertainment factor to them.

kids gift list

5.       Power Pen Learning Set, $75.00: There is a math set, as well as an early reading set. For my daughter, I purchased the pen along with the addition, subtraction, word blends, & site words. These were all purchase separately and I used a coupon for Lakeshore and found it to be a better price than purchasing on Amazon, for those specific boxes. My daughter really enjoys math and reading, so I know she will loves this game.

kids gift list


6.       Magnetic Fishing Set, $11.75: My son always loves this game when they use it as his school and I think he will have a blast playing with it in the bath. This is a great toy for concentration and hand/eye coordination.

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7.       My First Sewing Kit, $24.99: My daughter has always shown an interest in sewing when she sees my makeshift Halloween costumes or fix a button. She will be so excited to have her own kit with safe needles that she can use to make her own stuffed animals.

kids gift list

 Join Toys: Toys for Sharing:

There are a few toys I purchase with the intent for sharing, I simply put both of their names on the tag. It works out better, because I know most of the time the kids will want to use each other’s toys regardless. Even though we work on sharing regardless, having toys specifically bought with the intention of sharing eliminates arguments and breeds closeness.


8.       Walkie Talkies, $20.99: These are kid-safe and easy to use. Walkie talkie is a classic toy that has an endless amount of imaginative play and is a childhood essential!

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9.       Educational Insights Design and Drill, $29.99: Both of my kids love the build toys that you connect and take apart with drills and screws. This is an easy to use toy with the same premise, but also includes the element of art and creativity.


kids gift list

10.       Kid Safe Knife Set, $8.95: Both of my kids love helping in the kitchen, but the idea of letting them use real knives always makes me uncomfortable. My daughter has used regular knifes in the past and she is careful, but there are many food items that are just too slippery for her to use a real knife for safely. Both of the kids will love knowing they have their own set to use while helping me in the kitchen.

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11.   Ice Cream Maker, $34.99: Maybe this is a kitchen staple, but we currently don’t have one and I know the kids will have a blast making up their own ice cream concoctions. Again, this is another tool in the kitchen they can use (with the help of me), that will give them a sense of independence.

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12.   Eazy Peezy Monkey Bars Climbing Tower, $199.99: Lastly, every year, I try to include a larger item that gets my kids moving and playing outside. Gross motor is very important for children and playing outside is essential for a child’s growth and development. This climbing structure is small enough that my two-year-old son can freely climb, yet still gives enough challenge for my five year old.

kids gift list


What items made your list? Do your kids currently own any of the items listed above? What are you planning to purchase for your kids that you know they will get good use out of? Please leave your comments below!