Parenting Tips: Reward System That Works!

Parenting Tips: Encouraging Reward System

parenting tip

Reward systems are great and they absolutely works, but as with everything, you need to know what will work for your child as a motivator and stay consistent. Reward systems are a wonderful way to encourage positive behavior, as well as a wonderful way to teach your child how to earn what they want. When your children wants a new toy, how do you handle it? For the most part, I was able to use distractions very easily when taking my kids to the store. Neither one of them were the kids to throw a fit in a toy aisle because they wanted something. Before heading out to the store I would simply explain what we were going to the store for and remind them we were not getting anything else. Lately my daughter has been expressing more interest in wanting particular toys because of her friends have them. Because I am mindful not to create habits of getting a new toy just because she wants it or because her friends have it, we use a simple reward system that has been successful in helping to encourage positive behavior. For us, reward systems work well, and they have always been a great visual reminder and a great way to encourage my kids. Here is a super simple, visual reward system that will motivate and encourage your kids.

parenting tip

Kids Visual Reward System


1.       7 or 14-day pill bottle (we found one at the dollar tree)

2.       Brightly colored rocks, beads, shells, stones etc.


1.       Decide how you will use the reward system. For us, it works better to add a stone to each section when I catch my kids doing something nice.

2.       Define the rules and explain to your child: every time you share with your brother/sister, are a first-time listener, stop whining when reminded, clean your room without asking, put your toys etc. you will get to put one rock in your container.

3.       We had a 7-day pill box and each compartment needed to be filled with 2 rocks. Rocks that were earned were never taken out of the pill box, but if one of my kids were having a trying day, they were unable to earn more rocks for that day. This method will be highly encouraging for a full day of good behavior!

4.       Once the rules are clearly laid out, then allow your child to reward themselves, by putting their own rock into the compartments when they are caught being kind, respectful, and helpful.


parenting tip
parenting tip

What type of reward systems have you found to be helpful with your kids?

Looking for more articles on behavior? Check out Teaching Kindness to Young Children.