5 Tips To Keep Your Sanity During School Closures

5 Tips To Get Through School Closures

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Schools have closed around the world due to the fast-spreading and dangerous nature of the Coronavirus. We all are on board to help flatten the curve and keep our family safe, but impromptu homeschooling comes with its challenges. This is unprecedented times, so the most important thing to remember is to stay calm, give yourself a break, and realize this is temporary. If you need to, make it your mantra, because life will continue, and we will make it through on the other side. Here are 5 simple tips for handling mom academy:

5 Tips for Handling Mom Academy:

1.       Make a Schedule:

This is to be used as a guide and not to be used to stress you out or to make you feel like you are not doing as much as you should. A good rule of thumb is to try and mimic what they are already used to doing in school. If your child’s school has not already given you their daily schedule reach out to them or look on their website, this will help give you a guide to creating your own schedule around. For us, I have a child who is in elementary school and one child in preschool, so their schedules look a little different. Here is our sample schedule:

homeschooling schedule

Feel comfortable to switch the schedule around. One day starts with math as your first “subject,” but then the next day starts with “language,” or Art. The key is to go with the flow of your kids and if they just are not feeling something, don’t force it.

2.       Keep a positive attitude:

Yes, this can be challenging, but personally, I find it easier to keep a positive attitude if I plan and mentally prepare for what is to come. Know that some days are going to be easier than others, but overall if you try to remind yourself you are not alone and many other mamas are in the same boat, you can find solace and connection.

3.       Aim for 1 new activity a day:

 It can quickly become overwhelming with all the multitudes of ideas there are, that you end up doing nothing. Print out the ideas and circle the ones that seem most likely able to replicate at home. Remember, the simpler the better. Here is a great list of hands-on activities to aim for with: Busy Toddler

4.       Get outside & move your body:

 Staying cooped up all day will have its challenges, takes breaks throughout the day to get out. Have races down the street. Rides bikes/scooters. Go on nature walks. Go on scavenger hunts. Breathing fresh air will do everyone good and will help with number two on the list!

5.       Utilize free resources:

 There are so many great free options for different ways to entertain and educate your child. From youtube videos to games. Aim at trying one new a day! Here is a list of our favorite:

To Try ABC Mouse for FREE Click here: ABC Mouse

Art Bar

Best Virtual Reality field trips for early learners: Waterford

homeschooling schedule