Baby Sensory Activity: Cloud Dough

Baby Sensory Activity: Cloud Dough

baby sensory

Here is a simple, 2 ingredient recipe that is taste-safe in case your baby decides to orally explore. It is important to provide enriching sensory activities for your baby to explore a variety of textures, as this also helps to strengthen cognitive skills. This dough is soft and mold-able and is fun for all ages.

Ages: 6 months +


  1. 5-8 Cups of dough of your choice (whole wheat, white, coconut, almond etc.)

  2. 1 cup of oil of choice (coconut, olive, avocado) Many recipes call for baby oil, lotion, or hair conditioner however, this would not be taste-safe.

baby sensory
baby sensory
baby sensory


  1. Start off with 5 cups of flour and add a cup of oil, slowly add in the remaining two cups, partially at a time until you get the consistency you like.

  2. Add items to play with in the sand; animal figures, people figures, blocks, kitchen utensils etc.

  3. Place the dough in a wadding pool, plastic storage container, or large bowl. This activity can be messy if leaves the container, Opt to playing with it outside, if the weather permits. If you do chose to do this as an inside activity, place a sheet or table cloth down first, then the container of dough of top. This helps with clean up.

Looking for more taste-safe sensory play? Check out Jello Play & Edible “Sand.”

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Here are some other great Cloud Dough recipes to check out