Potty-Training Series: Part 3/3

potty training boys

Potty-Training Series:

Here is the last part of our potty-training series. This is not an exhaustive series by any means. Every child is different and may require various strategies and approaches. These tips are however tried and true for myself as an educator and mama.

Potty issues with pooping on the toilet. He/she only wants to use a diaper:


 For some kids, it can be unnerving to have something leave their body. The diaper is certainly a comfort to them and serving as their “security blanket.” First, try to track when they are having a bowel movement. Are they predictable? When they wake up? An hour after eating? Spend the next few days recording when they are occurring. Once you have somewhat of a schedule, gently encourage (forcing, getting upset, threats etc. will only lead to more anxiety regarding the situation and will prolong the issue) them to try and sit on the potty. Incentives work really well! Find out what will motivate them. Singing songs? Earning a gummy? Having something to look forward to will help distract the anxiety of the potty issue. Have a small motivation/incentive to sit and “try” on the potty, then a reward system/potty chart with a larger incentive for when they actually poop in the potty. For example, every time they sit on the potty and tries, they get one gummy (I use gummies as an example because they were highly desired for my daughter). Whenever they poop in the potty, they get a new matchbox car (or whatever will motivate them, you get the idea). Having them involved in the motivation part is also very helpful. Take them to the store to pick out their big motivation and they can see what they are working towards earning.  I would set a timer and do several minutes sitting on the potty at a time. Discuss using the potty in a natural way throughout the day. “It’s time for me to go potty now. Ah! I feel so much better now that I went poop in the potty. My tummy doesn’t hurt anymore and I’m all clean. I can clean up super fast when I poop in the potty and get back to playing.” Bring up encouraging talk naturally throughout the day. Remind him a few minutes prior that they will soon use the potty and remind them of the incentives. If they refuse, be respectful, but you can try to gently encourage i.e. “How about we try to sit on the potty and I will read you a fun story. After you try, you can get a gummy.” If they still say no, let it go for a few days. When you bring it back up, use gentle and encouraging words.

Rest assured, this is very common and just a phase. They will grow out of it and overcome it. You will find a solution that motivates them to move past this. Stay positive, non-forceful and remember, you’ve got this, mama!

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